Thursday, January 20, 2011

A new year

Hi all,

The past year has been a great experience for me, and I hope you guys enjoyed the ride (and by you guys, I mean all three of you that read this - Hi Ma!) I've learned a lot about photography and have got a lot of really great positive feedback from you all. So first off, thank you all for your support and comments through the last year.

I've been thinking a lot about what to do next - whether I wanted to do another Project 52, Project 365 (one shot a day), or pack it in entirely. While some weeks resulted in some great shots, many of which adorn my walls (see below), some weeks were more about finding something interesting to photograph so I didn't fall behind. Both have been useful and helped me develop my skills (pun intended); the former from an artistic perspective where I had a chance to actually plan and take a shot, the latter from a more esoteric view, where I had to "see beauty in the boring, normal, little things." Yes, that sounds cheesy. No, I don't care.

So. I'm going to continue taking photographs. If I've learned one thing over the last year, it's that I really love taking pictures and capturing the moment. I'm going to continuing uploading my new shots here on the blog, as well as on the facebook page (link here) and hopefully you guys will stick around to see what I come up with. While this will result in fewer shots, I think they'll be better quality and so the trade off is worth it.

So again, thank you all for your support. It's been a great ride, and I'm glad to have had you guys with me. I'm going to leave you with a selection of my favourite shots in the past year, as well as this quote from Pulp Fiction:

Vincent: "I think we oughta leave now."
Jules: "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

Week 1: Taken at my friend Becky and Kyle's wedding, back in December 2009.
From Project 52

Week 6: Fireworks launched from Alexandria Bridge to celebrate Winterlude. This shot was taken from the Museum of Civilization.
From Project 52

Week 8: Adorable little baby Brayden, who decided that me taking photos of him was less interesting than being asleep.
From Project 52

Week 21: One of my favourite shots was a random one taken of the fountain outside the American Embassy in Ottawa. I was walking around with a friend, and this just caught my eye.
From Project 52

Week 30: This shot was taken in Toronto outside a friend's garden.
From Project 52

Week 43: Lemoine Point Conservation Area is a great place for those who just want to get away from everything. One of the highlights of Kingston is being able to drive for 20 minutes in any direction and you'll hit a conservation area. Drive an hour north and you're in a provincial park. I particularly like the water at Lemoine Point, and this was a beautiful day to go for a hike.
From Project 52