Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 5: Sunday, January 31, 2010

So this week I couldn't decide between two pictures I took, so both of them are up here.

The first one I tried to make a little "darker" and attempted to go for a more "sinister" feel. You might have to click on it to get the full effect of it, but hopefully that came across. I don't know what those trees are called, although with two years of Ecology under my belt, you'd think I'd recognize it. Maybe one of you guys will be able to help me out.

The second picture was of some berries I saw randomly. I didn't realize they'd be able to survive given the current weather conditions, but I guess they can. Anyhow. The red of the berries really caught my eye, so I took a picture of them. UPDATE: Apparently, these are rosehips, not berries. Thanks to Yemisi for the correction! :)

As always, I welcome your comments. Happy February!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 4: Sunday, January 24, 2010

So my Canadian friends are aware of a simple law that exists during our wonderful Northern winters. If it is bright and sunny outside, with nary a cloud in the sky, thou shalt be chilled to the bone, regardless of the number of layers of clothing you're wearing.

With this I present Week 4's picture to you. I've tried to capture the soul-sucking depression that comes hand in hand with Canadian winters, so let me know what you think.

Note: I actually don't mind winter too much. I'm trying to learn how to skate, and one day will finally get back on snowboard. If you're going, and want company for either of those activities, let me know :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 3: Sunday January 17th, 2010

So for this week, I thought I'd stretch my photoshop skills a little bit. I call this photo:

"Too many cooks spoil the broth ... Unless those cooks are AWESOME!"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 2: Sunday January 10th, 2010

When I started this, I thought to myself "One picture a week, alright, that is totally doable." And then I realized that I *really* don't like going outside and weathering the Canadian winter any more than I already have to, and when it is -19C outside (-28 with the wind chill), I'm not going to take any outdoors shots.

So I decided to take pictures of things inside. Keeps me nice and warm, and forces me to be more creative about what I shoot and how I shoot it. In theory.

This weeks shot is from a statue a friend of mine has in his house. I took it with the same lens as before (Canon EF 50mm f/1.8), but didn't do much post-processing with it this time.

I have an idea about a shot for next week, so stay tuned ...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Week 1: Sunday January 3rd, 2010

So here is the first photo of 2010!

I took this photo at my friends Becky and Kyle's wedding last week using a 50mm f/1.8 Canon lens with my XSi. The one issue I have had in the past with the stock lens is getting sharp pictures without using a flash. I always find that the flash gives my photos a blueish tinge and tends to flatten my shots as well.

I did some post-processing with this shot afterwards in Lightroom, adding the color effect as well as changing the exposure histogram slightly.

Congratulations again to Becky and Kyle, and all the best to them in their future together!

The Beginning!

So I was talking with some people on the intarwebs, and one intriguing project someone suggested was 365 photos in 365 days. Every day, you take a photograph, and at the end of the year, you have a cool little project lined up that really highlights what is important to you.


However, that seemed too ambitious. Someone suggested doing a photo a week. So I stepped it down to 52 photos in 52 weeks. Given that in a regular shoot I can take between 400-800 photos without breaking a sweat, this seemed manageable in late-2009. Ask me in December and I'll probably be annoyed at past-Atif and his hairbrained schemes.

So here is what I propose. Every Sunday during 2010, I will attempt to upload a new photo that I took at some point in the previous week. I'm hoping that this turns out to be awesome, but even if it crashes and burns spectactularly, it'll make a fun little story.