Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 50: December 12th, 2010

So we're closing in on the end of the year. And, as mentioned in a previous post, that means the combination of schoolwork kicking into high gear as well as Christmas approaching. Well, the Christmas season now starts November 1st (thank you Halloween, the final bastion protecting us from Christmas sales in August), but until Starbucks and Second cup start their Christmas drinks, it really isn't Christmas.

So this shot is of the Candy Cane Hot Chocolate offered by Second Cup. It's a great drink, but the people at Second Cup put a ridiculous amount of whipped cream on top.

For those interested, that drink is 490 calories, 23 g of fat, and 52 g of sugar (about 1.5 times a can of coke). But man oh man does it taste delicious (message to my obesity research peeps: don't judge me).

From Project 52

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